Making a Game Plan for Desperate Horny Times

Making a Game Plan for Desperate Horny Times
House Slave Fag considers his game plan for the desperate horny time ahead.

God help me, I knew I would get so desperately horny. I traveled to my hometown for the summer for family reasons. I made that choice knowing I would probably have a hard time finding sex as if I was traveling to a desert island. Though really, you know there’s only so much maneuvering room you have with family requests, so my decision was made.

The question I want to address here (and survive through this weekend) is what to do when you’re desperately horny. I think the issue is a little deeper than just jerking off and getting an orgasm. That is, because if you’re someone that enjoys kinks like me, whether you like to be dominated or dominate someone else, or there’s some other specific fetish - you need to have that craving fulfilled from time to time. Like satisfying a sweet tooth with a beautiful little dessert, even if just once a week.